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Welcome to ASK NORMEN, the Northamptonshire Mental Health Gateway.

This site is for everyone with an interest in the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people in Northamptonshire. We want to make sure that you, parents, professionals and other people working with children and young people are aware of local services, training and support materials.

ASK NORMEN will help you to find further information and support – Just ask NORMEN.

What We Aim To Achieve

Children and Young People’s Community Health Services (including emotional wellbeing and mental health) within Northamptonshire will put the voice of children, young people and their families at the centre of everything we do.

Over the next 3 years and beyond, we will continue to improve community health services to ensure they are responsive, equitable and inclusive. Services will be available where and when they are needed the most. By working together we aim to ensure children and young people are happy, healthy, safe and resilient, enabling a positive transition into adulthood.


Mental Health

We are committed to the continuation of groups and forums that empower children and young people to participate fully in the design and delivery of local services. The principle of participation will continue to be promoted in order to embed this within all services in a meaningful way.


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