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What we aim to achieve

What we aim to achieve

NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working together with local partners across the NHS, local authority public health, children’s services, education and youth justice sectors and voluntary and community sectors to develop Local Transformation Plans for delivering improvements in children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing in Northamptonshire over the next five years.

The CCG will take guidance and approval from NHS England Specialised Commissioning and the local Health and Wellbeing Board in developing a vision for the future - to ensure that every child or young person gets the help they need when and where they need it.

Northamptonshire’s Transformation Plans

In March 2018 we submitted a refresh of the Local Future in Mind Transformation Plan and following feedback from NHS England, here you can view the Local Future in Mind Transformation Plan

A requirement of Future in Mind is for areas to develop a local plan focused on improving access to help and support when needed and improve how children and young people’s mental health services are organised, commissioned and provided. This document sets out the Five-year Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Plan for Northamptonshire, in line with the national ambition and principles set out in Future in Mind – Promoting, protecting and improving our children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Nene and Corby Clinical Commissioning Groups have worked with partner agencies to complete this refreshed LTP, which will give an update on progress made since the LTP was published. This report will comment on progress made against the Key Lines of Enquiry and outline plans for future service development and delivery. The majority of service transformation work outlined in this report will occur in the period 2018 to 2020, in line with the local vision and strategy for service improvements. This 2018 refresh should be read in conjunction with the original plan, which can be found with other supporting information at https://www.neneccg.nhs.uk/future-in-mind/.

Achievement of many of our local priorities is inter-dependent with other priorities under the five Future in Mind theme headings. We have reviewed progress against the ten ambitions set out in the original plan. The Northamptonshire Transformation Plan is a dynamic document that continues to evolve as services and commissioners receive feedback from service users and their parents / carers about their experiences of local services.

As data collection and analysis becomes more sophisticated and robust we are able to continually monitor and review and consider the impact that local services are having on meeting local need. Successful implementation of the plan will result in the following outcomes: Improvement in emotional well-being and mental health of all children and young people; Multi-agency approaches to working in partnership, promoting the mental health of all children and young people, providing early intervention and also meeting the needs of children and young people with established or complex problems; All children, young people and their families will have access to mental health care based upon the best available evidence and provided by staff with an appropriate range of skills and competencies.

Northamptonshire’s first and refreshed Local Transformation Plan will enable all stakeholders in Northamptonshire to further advance work to provide more accessible services closer to home, reduce hospital admissions and improve outcomes for children and young people, especially those with multiple and complex needs.

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