A report on the views of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Northamptonshire

The views and opinions of children and young people (CYP) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)  are often overlooked and most common engagement methods are not designed to engage this group or facilitate their feedback.

Often the views of their parents or carers are sought rather than those of the CYP. Engaging directly with CYP with SEND can be a challenge, but a little creativity can deliver amazing results. Moreover, CYP with SEND experience significant health and social inequalities and the more their voice is heard the more this can be addressed. Since September 2015, Healthwatch Northamptonshire (HWN) has engaged with CYP with SEND using a variety of activities and methods. Through attending events run by partner organisations and by delivering assemblies and Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) lessons in schools we spoke to 230 CYP with SEND, either face to face or via their completion of a survey. We were able to hear the views of children as young as two years old (with the help of their parents at the SENDsation day) and get their opinions on health care services. This report brings together the key findings and makes recommendations for how HWN and other organisations can work together and engage with CYP with SEND.


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