Extended Deadline! Consultation -needs and preferences of children & young people

Dear Stakeholders of Children’s and Young People’s Health Services,

Consultation on the needs and preferences of children and young people for Public Health Nursing Services for 5-19year olds.

The Public Health and Wellbeing department of the County Council has opened a consultation around public health nursing services for school aged children. As a stakeholder of the service you are invited to give your opinion. This consultation is going to be fed back to the Improvement Board and will influence the development of services for children, young people and families in the future. Please would you support us to gather vital feedback?

Please complete the following survey before the 14th February 2014, in order to feedback your thoughts. This should take about 5-10minutes.

Stakeholder: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/publichealthnursingteamstsurvey

In addition, if you are parents or carers of children aged 5-19years, please complete the following survey before the 14th February 2014, in order to feedback your thoughts as a parent or carer. This should take about 5-10minutes.

Parent: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/publichealthnursingteamparentsurvey

If you are in contact with children (aged 5-11 years) or young people (aged 11-19 years) please encourage them to complete the online ViewPoint surveys – these are short and will take about 5 minutes, there is an option for children and young people to play games at the end of the survey.

Child questionnaire, click here

Young Person questionnaire, click here

Some people have struggled with the viewpoint survey, as such, it has been made available through survey monkey too:

Young person: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/publichealthnursingteamypsurvey

Child: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/publihealthnursingteamchildsurvey

The next stage of the consultation will be a small number of focus groups to enhance the review with more qualitative data. The focus group with stakeholders is planned for the 14th February 11.30-12.30 in Northampton, you will be invited to leave your name and contact details in the final section of the survey, please only do this if you are keen to take part in a focus group to discuss the findings of the survey and help to identify local health care needs of children and young people. 

With Many Thanks

Pippa Gilbert, Public Health and Wellbeing Programme Officer

NCC County Hall.

GUildhall Road,



w.  www.northamptonshire.gov.uk

t.    01604 365493

e.   PGilbert@northamptonshire.gov.uk

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