For all Professionals - Topic engagement on the NICE suicide prevention quality standard is now open


Dear colleague
Topic engagement on the NICE suicide prevention quality standard is now open

The topic engagement exercise on the suicide prevention quality standard opened today. The topic overview published describes core elements of the quality standard and we are inviting you to tell us what you consider to be the 5 key areas for quality improvement in this area.

Please note this is not a consultation on the draft quality standard; there will be a consultation on the draft quality standard on 24 April 2019.
To submit your suggested 5 key areas for quality improvement please visit the topic webpage:
We encourage you to register as a stakeholder. Comments received from non-registered organisations and individuals are not summarised in the briefing paper presented to the committee but are included as an appendix. These comments are not made available on the NICE website. However, if they result in changes to the quality standard this is recorded in the committee meeting minutes.
Responses must be submitted to QStopicengagement@nice.org.uk by 5pm on MONDAY 26 NOVEMBER 2018.

Kind regards
NICE Quality Standards Team

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