University of Northampton support children who have witnessed domestic violence.

The University of Northamptonshire has just launched an excellent Art Exhibition from a pan European project to support children who have witnessed domestic violence. The voices of children who experience domestic violence often go unheard. 

Images of Agency and Resistance: Children in situations of Domestic Abuse

NN Contemporary Art Gallery

Date:  Wed 22nd- Fri 24th April 2015 
NN Gallery 
9 Guildhall Road
NN1 1DP 

NN Opening Times:
Wednesday 11am–6pm
Thursday 11am–6pm
Friday 11am–6pm

The imagery the children have produced provides an insight into the many and varied creative and resourceful ways that children are finding to manage their embodied experiences and relational spaces. The work illustrates children as impacted by domestic violence, but also as active agents in their lives, making purposeful attempts to protect themselves and other family members, to heal and to build positive self-identities during and after living in contexts of violence.

A positive way to raise awareness for those who are unaware, and a reminder for those of us that are.

The following video can be used, and should be used for workforce development, PHSE in schools etc.


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