School Nurses - Working with you to keep your child healthy.

School Nursing Service 

Referral Management Centre 0300 1111022 


We are here to help promote the physical, mental, social and emotional health of children, young people and their families. All children and young people in Northamptonshire will have an allocated school nurse team led by a specialist school nurse. 

Who we are 

Our teams are led by specialist school nurses who are qualified nurses with additional specialist training, our teams also include staff nurses, youth workers, nursery nurses, school nurse support workers, healthy lifestyle advisors, assistant practitioners and administrators. You can talk to your school nurse about anything, school nurses provide lots of services and have links with many more services; they can help you get the right help when you need it. 

What we do

Our teams provide confidential and trustworthy health information, advice and support in a range of settings. Our programme is designed to promote, protect and maintain the health and wellbeing of children and young people through: 

Health education; 

Health promotion activities such as weight management support and smoking cessation; 

Preventative health care, including immunisations and access to contraceptive services; 

Early identification of needs and early intervention through screening programmes and follow up support or referral to specialist services. 

Our services can be delivered in a range of settings with communities, schools, groups, families and individuals. 

The service is available to all children of school age (4-19 years) and this includes children who are home educated or excluded from school. You can access our school nursing clinics at a time and location that best meets your needs. If you are new to an area you can contact the school nurse team through the school your child is attending or through the referral management centre. 

When a child enters school or moves to the area, the local school nursing teams are informed via liaison with their health visiting colleagues or transfer area. Contact with the child and family takes place at school entry via a school entrant health review.  

Your child will be offered a review of growth and emotional and physical development at 5 years, at 10/11years and at 13/14years of age, in the school setting or at an alternative clinic setting if required.

Our clinics are usually available 9am-5pm weekdays, with some extended clinic times at the start and end of the day. You can contact your school nursing team for information and advice about your child’s health and development or parenting issues. For example:

  • Daytime or night time wetting, constipation, soiling;
  • Sleep;
  • Weight management, nutrition and physical activity;
  • Keeping healthy;
  • Immunisations;
  • Emotional and mental health;
  • Sexual health;
  • Drugs, alcohol and smoking;
  • Parenting, behaviour and routines or information about local children’s services. 

Working with you to keep your child healthy. 

The school nursing service is a confidential and trustworthy source of health information, advice and support for all children,  young people and their families.

Available for all children, young people and families in Northamptonshire aged 4-19years, including children who do not attend school 

Services can be accessed at a range of times and locations to suit your needs.

A broad and holistic service: you can ask your school nurse about anything, the team provide a wide range of services and link with many other services, the team can help you to get the support you need when you need it.



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