Summer is here! Get fit, get healthy, feel happier

Summer is here, and although we never know whether it will be wet or dry, there is thankfully a greater likelihood that we can enjoy the great outdoors. What does this have to do with emotional wellbeing and mental health you may ask? Well besides the fun of the promise of a bbq or picnic, it is proven that regular exercise can lower the risk of depression by up to 30%.

Many of our service users tell us how much better they feel by staying active, even if it takes a great effort to get up and out. And our colleague John Fardon even shares a personal experience within his family to this effect in our newsletter.

Our latest newsletter suggests a number of resources that might be useful to give families ideas of what they might be able to do during the school holidays and beyond. And remember, in Northamptonshire, we are particularly blessed with the most parkland in England, whether they are smaller pocket parks

or the award winning country parks http://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/en/councilservices/leisure/countryside/pages/default.aspx for you to enjoy.

Creativity as we know also boosts the mood, and colleagues at Northamptonshire Health Foundation Trust share their experience of using art
as a therapy as well as providing decoration in their treatment rooms and offices. Our Young Healthy Minds are also preparing our art tour of the county later this summer, but there will be more to follow in future articles.

This issue also highlights the winners of our Talk Out Loud Innovation awards to raise emotional wellbeing and mental health awareness and to stamp out
stigma. There were a number of fantastic entries this year and the panel of judges comprising of young people throughout the county had a difficult set of
decisions to make this year. Our 5 winners deserve the recognition for their
outstanding work this year and I cannot wait to see what they and others do in the upcoming school year.

Whatever you choose to do this summer, remember that Ask Normen is there to help and professionals can still continue to make referrals to NHFT’s
Referral Management Centre as normal.

As always, if you have any news, case studies or perspectives you wish to share with our children and young people emotional wellbeing community,
please let us know at asknormen@nhs.net 

David Loyd-Hearn 

Commissioning Lead Children and Young People 


To view the full newsletter go to http://www.asknormen.co.uk/modules/downloads/download.php?file_name=191

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