Depression hits the news again!

The world is mourning the passing of Robin Williams today, although we do not know the full facts, he was reported to be battling with severe depression prior to his death. 

Depression is more than simply feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.

We all go through spells of feeling down, but when you're depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.

Some people still think that depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They're wrong. Depression is a real illness with real symptoms, and it's not a sign of weakness or something you can "snap out of" by "pulling yourself together".

The good news is that with the right treatment and support, most people can make a full recovery.

To read more about depression, the signs and symptoms and possible treatments then view our pages at http://www.asknormen.co.uk/depression/

Or watch some people talking about depression, and how it affects them in the following video created by MIND - The Mental Health Charity.

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