Autism Newsletter

Have a look at the latest newsletter from the National Autistic Society’s- National Brokerage Project  http://www.asknormen.co.uk/modules/downloads/download.php?file_name=188

The Projects Main Aims

  • To empower people who have autism, and their families to understand social care and health system
  • Promote awareness of autism, personalisation, rights and brokerage throughout the 3 year project.
  • Test and develop a sustainable model for the delivery of brokerage support, by the end of the schemes second year.
  • To share good practice across the UK.
  • To offer autism specific brokerage to 2,484 people who have autism in 4 geographical areas.
  • To recruit a team of Broker Development Workers and a network of Pay As You Go Brokers.
  • Plan and host 24 family information days, divided up into 2 per year per geographical group

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