Have your say on NCC budget consultation - Public Health and Wellbeing

A new emphasis on public health and wellbeing underpins several key proposals published on 10th December as part of Northamptonshire County Council’s draft budget (2014-2019)

Background to the proposals

Responsibility for public health in Northamptonshire passed to the county council in April 2013 in a major national shake-up of health services.

A key part of taking on these new duties is identifying how public health resources can be better focused on preventing health issues for individuals and communities developing or getting worse.

Concentrating on early prevention in this way will achieve a better quality of life for people as well as reduce the need for more specialist – and more expensive – support and services.

The proposals also see greater focus on wellbeing, as research shows that improved wellbeing leads to better general health, improved resilience, increased productivity at work, less anti-social behaviour, improved educational outcomes and much more.

Therefore by improving wellbeing, with a particular emphasis on mental health as this has a significant impact on people’s jobs, lives, families and more, it is possible to reduce pressure on other health and social care services.

For more information go to here:  http://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/en/news/Newsreleases/Pages/budget-proposals-focus-on-public-health-and-wellbeing.aspx?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook

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