

What you need to know about alcohol

Alcohol can affect you, even in small amounts. Decisions can be harder to make. And we think we can do more than if we're sober. It's one of the reasons so many serious accidents happen after people have been drinking lots of alcohol. It's important to know your limits.

Alcohol can:

  • slow down your body and make accidents more likely to happen
  • make you violent
  • make you feel invincible, which could lead to making bad decisions
  • make you less aware of things
  • make you vulnerable and someone could take advantage of you more easily
  • result in you passing out, choking on your own sick, overdosing and even dying
  • lead to alcoholism - which is when people are addicted to alcohol. People then feel they have to drink all the time to avoid feeling ill or to cope with things, which then damage your liver, heart, stomach and brain.


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