It's Mental Health Awareness Week

It's Mental Health Awareness Week, our colleagues in Public Health at Northamptonshire County Council are launching a 7 week campaign around the 5 ways to wellbeing called “My Wellbeing Pledge”.

Introducing the campaign and the reasons behind it

·         This is a Partnership campaign between Public Health and Northamptonshire Health and Care Partnership  

·         To encourage individuals to look after their mental wellbeing the same way they would their physical health.

·         The aim of the campaign is to encourage individuals to take the first step to look after their mental wellbeing,

          no matter how big or small it may be.

5 ways to wellbeing - evidence suggest that following these five ways can help improve your mental wellbeing (connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give). The significance of this, is that they are all steps that can be included in your day to day life, in a way that suits you and that you enjoy, for example;

    • Connect with those around you: join a social or sports club – this is a great chance to meet new people. Check in on a relative or a friend – give them a call or pop round. A chat over a cuppa can go a long way!
    • Be active in a way that suits you and that you enjoy: instead of driving or getting a bus and if it is possible, why not walk to work, your local shop or cycle?  We have some great country parks in Northamptonshire so why not visit one of these on a weekend with your family?
    • Take notice and be mindful of your surroundings: This is one that many of us are guilty of not doing. Life can be so busy, taking a moment to engage with everything around you and taking the time to reflect is really important. Mindfulness and meditation is a good way of doing this or even taking part in a photo challenge. It can even be as simple as asking the question ‘are you okay today’ to a neighbour, relative or colleague and are okay.
    • Keep learning new skills and developing yourself: Even though studying a new course or qualification is definitely one to consider, it doesn’t always have to be something so big. Going along to a new social or book club with a friend, taking up a new hobby or a new cooking recipe is all learning new skills too.
    • Give what you can, whether it is your time or simply a random act of kindness: giving isn’t just about donations or fundraising. It can also include your time and support with volunteering, helping someone with their shopping or it can be as small as holding the door for someone. Saying thank you can really go a long way too… and that doesn’t take much at all!

We are asking you to make a pledge to take steps to look after your own mental wellbeing. You can do this by visiting the website www.mypledge.me.uk where you can complete an online pledge as well as read other people’s ideas on how they keep themselves well. 

Thank you, time to make the pledge! 


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