Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission are three quarters through time2listen consultation- Have your say!

Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commission are three quarters through our time2listen consultation. The consultation aims to understand the experiences of those with mental illness/ADHD and Autism of the police, criminal justice system and the support agencies that work around it. 
They want to hear from anyone who works or volunteers directly with people with  mental illness, ADHD and Autism. You could be a police officer, work in the police control room, a probation officer, a support worker, a community psychiatric nurse or GP etc. We want to understand how well you feel that agencies are currently working together, or where improvements can be made.                                                                                           
The purpose of this consultation is to inform the county’s Mental Health Criminal Justice Board  and future commissioning of services. 
This consultation aims to enable you as an individual and your organisation to work better together with other partner agencies, to ultimately improve services for those with mental illness/ADHD and Autism.
The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time and can be completed by going onto:www.time2listenfrontline.co.uk The deadline date for feedback is Friday 5th March.
If you work with young people it’s not too late to invite them to complete the online survey from their experiences, either themselves or family/friends, it can be accessed on the below link.


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