Time2Listen - Office of Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Stephen Mold launches Time2Listen consultation

The Time2Listen consultation has been set-up to hear your views of how the police and criminal justice system deal with incidents that involve people with a mental illness, ADHD or autism.

PCC Stephen Mold on launching the Time2Listen public consultation

If you live with any of these – or care for someone who does – and have had contact with the police or criminal justice system, we want to hear from you, to help us improve how we support those who experience mental illness.

It doesn’t matter if the incident was large or small – from speaking to the police in your neighbourhood to being involved in crime – we want your honest feedback to understand what is working well, and what we could improve.

You can tell us your experiences via our online survey, or by arranging to speak with us face-to-face by calling 01604 888113 or by emailing commissioner@northantspcc.pnn.police.uk. You can also request a postal survey by these means, too.

All responses are completely confidential, while you can choose to be entered in to a prize draw to win one of three £25 vouchers.

The Time2Listen consultation closes at midnight on Friday 26th January.

Questions or queriers? Email us at commissioner@northantspcc.pnn.police.uk.


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