Commissioning 0-19 years Public Health Nursing Services Consultation

Northamptonshire County Council is responsible for making sure that all children (aged 0-19) are safe, as healthy as they can, and that any health or development problems are identified as early as possible and the right treatment and care offered.

This includes offering every pregnant mother wellbeing assessments during the third trimester of pregnancy and after the birth of a child, providing support for breast feeding, health assessments and development checks at key points in every child’s life, and advice support and information to help all families support their children to grow up happy, healthy and achieving their full potential.

 This service is currently delivered by the 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service, which is made up of Health Visitors and School Nurses (these are registered nurses who have additional public health qualifications depending on whether they work with families and young children 0-4 or with young people aged 5-19), specialist breast feeding nurses and nurses who have been specially trained to deliver support to teenage parents. The nursing teams are supported by nursery nurses and other support staff and liaise closely with family doctors, hospital A and E departments, Children’s Centres and social care staff.

We want to make access to this service as easy as possible for parents and their children.  

You can have your say in a number of different ways:



This consultation closes on 8th September 2017.

Details of this consultation and other past and present consultations are available on Northamptonshire County Council’s Consultation Register.

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