LGBT Fostering Workshop

Have you ever thought about becoming a foster carer & would like to know more about what is involved? I used to be a respite foster carer and before I started I certainly had concerns about what that would mean for me as a gay man. Would I get adequate support from social services? Would I get any grief from the lad's biological family? What would my LGBT friends make of it? What could I offer as a foster carer?

The LGBT Partnership and Northamptonshire Fostering and Adoption Service are coming together to run a  half day workshop to explore some of these issues and look at encouraging more LGBT People to become foster carers.

The free workshop will be held at The Park Inn, Silver Street, Northampton on the morning of Saturday 16th July, and will end with a networking lunch.

Numbers are limited, so if you would like to know more, or to reserve a place, then please email me at matthewtoresen@hotmail.com

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