Help Develop your Protective Behaviours skills and become a Specialist Practitioner!

Help Develop your Protective Behaviours skills and become a Specialist Practitioner! A four day course starting in January 2017 that will help develop your skills and understanding, transforming your work and sharing with other professionals in your local area. Highly recommended by John Fardon (Education Entitlement Officer - Mental Health) who has used PBs since being introduced to the process in 1993.

Protective Behaviours Training Partnership

Specialist Practitioner Protective Behaviours Training

This is a four-day course designed to consolidate and deepen knowledge and understanding of the Protective Behaviours (PBs) process. Throughout the course participants will have the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence to work in a Specialist Practitioner role including: supporting colleagues using Protective Behaviours in the work place; promoting and sustaining the process on a wider-scale within an organisation and developing consistent resources. This course is for people who have completed 2-day Foundation Level Protective Behaviours training and are currently regularly using the PB process. It is also for people regularly using PBs who are interested in developing their knowledge for their personal development. The Specialist Practitioner course is a pre-requisite for anyone thinking about training to become a Protective Behaviours Trainer.

*Please note that this is a 4 day course and the total cost is £495.00 which includes all training materials as well as refreshments, breakfast and lunch. Participants are required to attend the full duration of the course.

About the trainers

Ann Seal has a professional background in nursing, health visiting, teaching in FE and working in education safeguarding including working with schools to develop protective education practices. She has an MA by Research in which she researched teacher perspectives of protecting children through a curriculum approach to safeguarding. Ann has been a Protective Behaviours trainer since 2001 working as an independent trainer or in her role as a manager in the Education Safeguarding Service in Warwickshire. Alongside promotion of Protective Behaviours across the education sector (from Early Years to Secondary), she is a trainer for Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board, delivering PBs courses to any professionals working with Warwickshire children. Ann finds herself using PBs in all aspects of life at home and work. For further details please visit www.protectivebehaviourstraining.co.uk

Sally Ann Hart has a background of working in education and has been involved in this at every key stage. After qualifying to teach she chose to specialise in special educational needs and went on in 2003 to become an accredited trainer in Protective Behaviours. Sally Ann is qualified to teach infant massage which fits perfectly with the ethos of Protective Behaviours and adds to Sally Ann’s interest in helping parents and practitioners meet the needs of babies and young children. Sally Ann has also worked with the University of Northampton and undergraduate students reading Early Childhood Studies incorporating Protective Behaviours training within degree modules. Sally Ann uses Protective Behaviours on a daily basis both in her work and with her own family including a dog! For further details please visit www.sallyannhart.co.uk

Ann & Sally Ann are co-founders of the Protective Behaviours Training Partnership and the PBPeople website: www.pbpeople.org








Days 1 & 2: 12th & 13th January 2017 *Days 3 & 4: 25th & 26th January 2017


Holiday Inn Hotel Bedford Road Northampton NN4 7YF



9..30am 4.30pm 9.30am 4.30pm


To reserve a place please contact Mrs E A Seal, 3 Bitham Road, Lighthorne Heath, Leamington Spa, CV33 9TY

Please contact Ann on 07808 119283 or via the Protective Behaviours Training Partnership www.protectivebehaviourstraining.co.uk

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