Healthwatch Northamptonshire launch two new guides for children and young people



Matthew’s Story

When I was growing up I went to mainstream primary school. There was no transition. I was thrown in at the deep end.
I remember very specifically what happened on my first day. I walked to school with my mum and dragged my feet all the way dreading it. My heart was pumping
I knew no one.

After many weeks I became aware that stuff didn’t click and I didn’t understand the social aspects of school and I would spend hours doodling or drawing giving me excuses to be away from the other kids as I didn’t get what or why they were playing games or talking. I knew I needed to join in in order to be the same as the others but didn’t know how to.

Read more about Matthews story here matthews_story_understanding_mental_health_2016.pdf


Understanding Mental Health A Young Person’s Guide 


This information guide has been produced by Healthwatch Northamptonshire and is an introduction to mental health, possible problems and what help is available.

It has been written for Children and Young People and their friends and family.


  • Young Healthwatch Conference 2015

  • What is mental health

  • Different types of mental health

  • What causes mental health issues?

  • Understanding mental health better

  • How can I help myself?

  • Useful information 


    View the guide here 





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