Video Interaction Guidance - VIG

Northamptonshire Educational Psychology Service

“I hug my Mum more”

“I wanted to be more aware of the good points and it has worked.”

“Identification, confirmation and following the initiative of the child is the key to the healing process....turn-taking and reciprocal confirmation of positive expressive feeling adjusted to each other may be described as a ‘yes-cycle’. This is always associated with the sharing of joy(Hundeide K 1991)

VIG allows people to see themselves successfully communicating with others
“There is convincing experimental and small-scale qualitative evidence that Video Interaction Guidance (VIG), the review of micro-moments of video clips of clients’ own successful communication, affects maternal sensitivity, enhances interaction in the classroom, assists professionals in the development of their practice and, indeed, improves relationships in many different contexts. Indeed, VIG is one of the two main EU-recommended parenting support programmes (DataPrev 2011)

Who could benefit

  • Mothers with post natal depression and their children
  • Parents and children who have experienced domestic violence who have 

    completed a recognised programme such as those linked to Women’s Aid.

  • Targeted families who have completed the Solihull Approach ‘Understanding 

    your child’s behaviour.’

  • Teachers in schools and staff in nurseries to enhance relationships with children.
  • Families with children diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

Links with present initiatives:

  • Infant mental health

  • Mental health and well being for school age population

  • Adult wellbeing mental health teams

  • ‘Five to Thrive’ Kate Cairns Associates. VIG actively supports parents to talk, play, relax, cuddle and respond to their children in a sensitive and attuned way.

  • Family Nurse Partnership

  • Local interventions following domestic violence

  • Targeted families via Children’s Centres 

    VIG is endorsed by

  • NSPCC How the NSPCC uses video to help parents forming stronger bonds through early intervention5

  • NICE Guidelines PH406

VIG is a technique that uses short video clips of positive interaction to help those involved understand successful aspects of their communication with others. VIG uses self-modelling and video feedback offering a solution focused perspective and seeks to empower participants as agents of change. VIG acknowledges the importance of affective (feelings) as well as cognitive (thinking) components in communication. There is evidence that VIG contributes to sustainable change. It has a growing international evidence base.

VIG is a powerful way of changing people’s behaviour, focusing attention on minute positive exchanges: Microanalysis of adult- child interactions; child- child interactions.

Core values and beliefs

*People wish to communicate
*People in troubled situations do want to change
*People do really care about each other
*Everybody is doing the best that they can at the time.
*A crisis is an opportunity for change
*The power for change resides within the individual or the situation itself.

Expected outcomes
Increases sensitivity and emotional attunement to the infant or child. *Improves attachment
*Reduces stress and increases self-confidence
*Activates people to solve their own problems
*Inspires hope in difficult circumstances
* Interactions are more effective and support emotional regulation by reducing

levels of overwhelm and increasing reciprocity.
*More effective communication between early years setting staff, young

children and babies
*More effective communication between school staff and learners.

What this would look like

*Three cycles87to embed skills following the Solihull Approach Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour programme for targeted parents.
*Eight sessions for mothers with post natal depression to increase sensitivity and experience of successful and pleasurable interaction with their baby - group based intervention with individualised feedback.

*Three cycles offered following an intervention programme from Women’s Aid for families who have experienced domestic violence.
*Three cycles to support transition into toddlerhood for families who have been part of Family Nurse Partnership.

*Three cycles to support Teaching Assistants working with individual pupils/ students. *Three cycles to support teachers in interaction with groups of pupils/ students. *Three cycles to support continuing professional development for individuals working in schools (Video Enhanced Reflective Practice [VERP]).

*Three cycles to support parents of children and young people with severe and complex needs, for example PMLD, ASD.
* Three cycles to support young people with ASD in schools.


Evaluation is included in the offer. Evaluation will include Target Monitoring and Evaluation (TME). In consultation with those involved, a range of other evaluation tools may be used.


Three cycles is equivalent to nine hours. This could be part of your organisation’s SLA with the Northamptonshire Educational Psychology Service or brought in on a ‘spot- purchase’ basis. Costings for eight sessions for mothers with post natal depression would be determined following discussion and clarification of the programme.


Bakermans-Kranenberg, M.J. et al. (2003) ‘Less is more: Meta-analyses of sensitivity and attachment interventions in early childhood.’ Psychological Bulletin 129, 2, 195- 215

Fukkink, R.G. (2008) ‘Video feedback in widescreen: A meta-analysis of family programs.’ Clinical Psychology Review 28, 6, 904- 916

Three cycles consists of three films each followed by a shared review of edited clips. Research has shown that three cycles are effective (Fukkink, 2008, Bakermans- Kranenberg et al. , 2003) 

To contact the VIG service:

Clarissa Prior-Jones Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist cprior-jones@northamptonshire.gov.uk

Susanna Coventry Educational Psychologist scoventry@northamptonshire.gov.uk 


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