Local Transformation Plan

Future in Mind   

‘Future in mind’ is a government report that sets out the case for change in delivery of mental health services for children and young people. It makes recommendations around improving early intervention and prevention; simplifying structures and improving access; sustaining a culture of evidence-based service improvements; and better joining up of services. 

NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working together with local partners across the NHS, local authority public health, children’s services, education and youth justice sectors and voluntary and community sectors to develop Local Transformation Plans for delivering improvements in children and young people’ s mental health and wellbeing in Northamptonshire over the next 5 years. 

The CCG will take guidance and approval from NHS England Specialised Commissioning and the local Health and Wellbeing Board in developing a vision for the future - to ensure that every child or young person gets the help they need when and where they need it.

Northamptonshire’s Transformation Plans

Our draft local transformation plans cover the whole spectrum of services of children and young people’s health and wellbeing. In line with national guidance, our plans also contain a clear focus on specific deliverables where additional funding has been allocated, ie Eating Disorder Services.

The draft strategy will be submitted to NHS England in September for approval and sign off in October 2015.  Local councillors and officers have already given their support.   A copy of our draft report can be downloaded here. 

View our Transformation Plan and Transformation Plan on a page here. 

In developing a comprehensive and transparent local offer, we are publishing an annual declaration of our current investment and the needs of the local population across the full range of provision of services.  

These plans are also interdependent with the Crisis Care Concordat Action plan 2015, the development of the Autism/ADHD Strategy and Action Plan 2016 and the Northamptonshire Children and Young People Community Health Transformation programme.


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