FREE Webinars - 'First Steps' for pregnant mothers and parents with an under-five.

Lisa Pearson works for the Northampton Wellbeing Service, improving access to psychological therapies (Iapt) as a Wellbeing Practitioner, and specialises in working with pregnant mothers and parents with an under-five.

Lisa is setting up and running a series of FREE Webinars aimed at supporting parents.

The webinar is called ‘First Steps’ and is a four week course for new parents, it looks at normal emotional changes after birth and gives practical techniques for parents to effectively look after their wellbeing.

The webinars will run on Monday evenings 6-7pm 15th June, 22nd June, 29th June, and the last one is 6th July.  

There will be a 30mins Q & A after the session to get some feedback about the webinar and the opportunity to signpost people to services if needed.

How to join.

To join the webinar a parent would have to have an up to date email address and access to the internet.

Self referral

If people would like to self-refer (this includes patient and staff, the webinars are completely confidential) then they can;

-          send an e-mail to mbsr.webinar@nhft.nhs.uk

-          stating what webinar they would like to do which would be 'First Steps'

-          they will be contacted via e-mail so we can gather their personal information.

-          they will be directed by email about how it works and what to do next.

Lisa Pearson

Wellbeing Practitioner (specialising in perinatal mental health)

Northampton Wellbeing Team (Iapt)







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