Building resilience in children and young people

This is all available to help any adults who are working with children and young people. Do you know any children or young people struggling with the following?

  • Self harm
  • Building skills to deal with situations in life that drag us down
  • Attachment issues
  • Loss, divorce, separation or bereavement
  • Stress about exams
  • Feeling safe
  • Low self esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Issues connected to ADHD 

Why not extend your knowledge and skills and help more children and young people and parents in Northamptonshire?

These courses are running in the next few weeks!

Maybe you have heard of Mindfulness (18th Nov), Protective Behaviours (1st Dec), The Solihull Approach (24th Nov & 8th Dec), FRIENDS for Life (9-14 yrs) 3rd Dec, FRIENDS for Youth (12-15) 25th Nov, Drawing & Talking (13th Jan), Peer massage (12 or 13 Jan), Relaxation techniques (26th Jan), Using puppets, drawing and stories with children(20th Jan) These are all available for you to attend through the Targeted Mental Health in Schools Programme (TaMHS).

NB Anyone can attend these courses not just current TaMHS schools, although some courses are specific about the role of the participants, so please check.  There are many courses running up to the end of May 2016.

For more information or booking visit  www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/tamhs

PS Don’t forget the Northamptonshire Mental Health Awareness Day on February 12th 2016 – details on www.asknormen.co.uk

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