University of Northampton launches intervention Programme for child victims of domestic abuse


The UNARS intervention programme is part of a two-year European research project. The UNARS team has interviewed nearly 100 children & young people across Europe who have lived in situations of violence in Italy, Greece, Spain and the UK. Within these countries they have also interviewed carers and professionals.
They conducted these interviews in order to better understand how children and young people make sense of and cope with violence in their families and how they might be able to build a positive sense of themselves in these kinds of circumstances.

Findings from the interviews have helped to develop a good understanding of the ways that children can be resilient and resourceful in circumstances of domestic violence and how they might be empowered to build this capacity for coping.

These findings inform the 10-week therapeutic intervention programme.
The programme is lead and facilitated by experienced, sensitive and skilled practitioners, including a Systemic Family Therapist and Clinical Psychologist, and a Play Therapist specializing in trauma.

UNARS Intervention

The programme is free of charge and will take place on a week day after school hours in a safe & comfortable space in a convenient location in Northampton town centre.
For further information, or to discuss the possibility of booking a place on the programme please telephone:
Intervention Administrator: Jo Phone: 07738 738002

Email: unars@northampton.ac.uk Website: http://www.unars.co.uk/

To view the leaflet with information for young people aged 11-16, parents, carers and professionals go to http://www.asknormen.co.uk/modules/downloads/download.php?file_name=212

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