IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you make referrals for Video Interaction Guidance and Theraplay.

Video Interaction Guidance

As from 1st December 2014  Video Interaction Guidance (VIG) referrals for direct work with families and enquiries about training need to be made through Carole Moore cmoore@northamptonshire.gov.uk  or Jenny Brooks jbrooks@northamptonshire.gov.uk   Phone 01604 368861

How to refer to VIG:

Referrals for Non Looked after children refer directly to the service by using the following link:


Referrals for LAC and Adopted children refer direct to the NHFT’s CYP Community Health Services through the following link:   www.nhft.nhs.uk/cyprmc


Also from 1st December 2014 Theraplay referrals for direct work with families and enquiries about training need to be made through Heidi Mann heidimann@woodnewton.northants.sch.uk    or Jo Williams jowilliams@northamptonshire.gov.uk   Phone 01536 204765 extension 113

How to refer toTheraplay

Referrals for Non Looked after children refer directly to the service by contacting Heidi Mann.


Referrals for LAC and Adopted children refer direct to the NHFT’s CYP Community Health Services through the following link:   www.nhft.nhs.uk/cyprmc


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