Guidance for Promoting Positive Mental Health with Looked After Children in Northamptonshire Schools

Guidance and examples of helpful practice in Northamptonshire has been launched! 

This document includes pupil views, why their needs should be considered, a range of provision made using Pupil Premium Plus in Northamptonshire, local and national links to mental health support. In addition there is advice on how to help youngsters, particularly with attachment difficulties and more links to national guidance

‘A really good collation of a wide range of very useful information.’  Michael Brooks, Principal Educational Psychologist, Northamptonshire Educational Psychology Services.

‘A long-overdue document for schools to use as a framework to support children with attachment difficulties and I think this document will help strengthen communication between parents/carers and education staff. Well Done!’  Dr. Anwen Pugh,

Senior Clinical Psychologist, CAMHS Looked-after and Adopted Children's Team.

‘An excellent, supportive resource for schools when addressing the needs of our looked after children. There is clearly much good practice to share from our schools and to have this drawn together and include sign posting is what our schools need.’

Liz Butler, Service Manager for Education of Looked After Children (The Virtual School)

‘Schools play a vital part in promoting the well-being of Looked After Children and it is important that everyone understands the impact of insecure attachments. This document is a great tool to reflect on our current practice. The signposting to agencies and other documents/literature is very helpful.’

Gail Barnshaw, Head Teacher, Hunsbury Park Primary School, Northampton.

To view the document go to - http://www.asknormen.co.uk/modules/downloads/download.php?file_name=213

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