Children and young people carers have a new support team.

The carers support staff previously employed by the Nene Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and  the Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (NHFT) have now transferred to Northamptonshire Carers Association.

The former NHFT staff will continue to support carers of those with mental health needs but with a wider remit than previously. They will continue to be based in localities.

They will form part of a large team that will support all carers including parent carers of children and young people with mental health needs and families affected by drug and alcohol misuse.

The team supporting young carers is also based at the carers centre, working with children and young people up to age of 25 who have a caring responsibility.

The team also work in the two acute hospitals, Berrywood and  St Marys  to support carers of inpatients should they have problems or need support

They can all be contacted with referrals through the Carers Support Line on 01933 677907 or email carers@northamptonshire-carers.org

To go to the Northamptonshire Carers website please click here


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