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Eating Problems (Children & Young People)

Eating Problems

Everyone eats differently but if you take eating to extremes you could have an eating problem. But you’re not alone. Find out how eating becomes a problem and what you can do if you’re affected.

Symptoms of eating problems:

Some eating problems such as Anorexia and Bullimia are serious mental health conditions that need professional help to diagnose and treat. 

  • Losing appetite
  • Eating when not hungry
  • Obsessing about body image (e.g. being too fat, not being muscly enough)
  • Eating only certain types of things or following a a 'fad' diet too closely 
  • Fear of gaining weight
  • Dramatic weight loss or gain
  • Being sick
  • No longer enjoying eating socially or leaving the table quickly (to be sick or hide food)
  • Focusing on buying or cooking food for others
  • Feeling secretive

Just because you experience one or more of these symptoms, it doesn’t mean you’re definitely affected by an eating problem but if they are affecting everyday life, talk to your GP to get a full diagnosis.

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